1.Sandbox Given an nc connection " 1337" Which gives a shell.Contains ORME.flag and README.flag.Though we've flag in-front of us we can't do anything...! 😦 The Commands which we use to display in Linux are sand boxed (Commands:cat,tac,cat *,%00,grep...!)Everything failed. Then I tried for cat --help command which returned nothing..!But When I used ls --help I... Continue Reading →

SunshineCTF Writeups

Golly Gee Willikers Sonar Golly Gee Willikers (100) Description: Someone sent me this weird file and I don't understand it. It's freaking me out, this isn't a game! Please help me figure out what's in this file. We've given a file golly_gee_willikers.txt. After a quick search of contents in the given file,I got to know... Continue Reading →

Fireshell CTF Writeup

Idiot_Connection We are Provided With A Packet Capture File Full Of ICMP Packets,But Actually They Contains HTTP and Other Packets Too..! What They Have Done Is They Added ICMP Packet To Every Packet. So We Need To Slice That Portion To Get Original Pcap File. So Using "editcap" A Command Line Tool For Editing Pcap... Continue Reading →

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